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【日 程】
 2006年1月11日(水)全日 エクスカーションA、B
        1月12日(木)午前 受付・開会式・基調講演
                      午後 研究発表
                      夜  ウェルカムパーテイー
        1月13日(金)全日 研究発表
           夜  懇親会
        1月14日(土)全日 研究発表
           夜  フェアウェルパーティー
        1月15日(日)午前 研究発表・閉会式
                      午後 シンポジウム
    1月16日(月)全日 エクスカーションB、C
【会 場】


  • テーマ「遺跡保存への日本考古学協会のとりくみ」
  • ポスター掲示  2006年1月12日(水)午前10時〜1月14日(土)午後4時
  • ポスターセッション・ショートオーラル:1月13日(金)午前10時40分〜11時20分の間で2分間(岸本雅敏会員)
  • ポスター・コアタイム:
  • プログラムの詳細は、http://wacosaka.jp。













 しかし今日では、化石燃料の大量消費、熱帯雨林の壊滅的消費、原子力エネルギーの利用や重化学工業の発達のもたらした大規模な自然の汚染と破壊が、遠からず人類の生存すら脅かすことになる地球環境の破壊でもあったことが、はっきりと認識されることになったと言えよう。 また、そうした人類の生存の舞台としての自然ばかりでなく、自然景観と人類がその歴史の営みの中で築いた文化の証人である文化財は、共々にそれぞれの時代や地域の人間精神を指し示すものであり、あらためて、その価値は極めて重く、大きいとの認識から出発しなければならないであろう。このように、自然や文化財の破壊は人間精神の破壊につながるものであるとの認識が生まれ、これらに歯止めをかけなければならないという世界的な動きが登場してきたものと受け止められる。自然環境や埋蔵文化財の保護・保全の問題では、すでに余りにも多くの犠牲が払われており、また日々新たな犠牲を加えているのが現実である。自然と文化財の保護・保存は、今や全地球的、全人類的な緊急課題であると認識されるに至っている。わが国においても、一日も早くその理念を実現し、自然と文化財を護る抜本的な意識改革・制度改革が望まれる。つまり、わが国の自然や文化財の保護・保存の問題も、全地球規模、全人類規模での課題の一端であるとの認識から出発するべきである。にもかかわらず、今日なお、極めて限られた地域での直接的な経済効果や少数の人間の利害に左右されて、二者択一的な思考により、しばしば自然や文化財の命は、これと比べれば極めて短期的でしかない経済効果優先、つまりは開発優先で処理されているのではなかろうか。





※日本考古学協会の英文表記は、 The Japanese Archaeological Associationである。文中に数ヶ所あるthe Japanese Archaeologists' Associationは誤りであるが、ここでは期間中掲示したポスター内容のまま掲載した。

The Activities for Preserving Archaeological Heritages
By The Japanese Archaeological Association

The Japanese Archaeological Association
Koichi Tamura (President)


     An aspect of the history of the Japanese Archaeologists' Association may be characterized by the fight and struggle for the protection and preservation of archaeological heritages. Our premise is that archaeological sites are the cultural heritage shared by all the Japanese people. Faced with a drastic increase in the development of infrastructure in response to the post-World War II revitalization of Japanese economy in the 1950's and rapid economic growth in the 1960's and 1970's, the Association has put enormous amount of time and energy into the protection of archaeological sites. This situation has not changed even today. In response to the protection of the Itasuke Keyhole-Shaped Tumulus in Osaka in 1955, of the Nara Imperial Palace since 1962, and of the Kasori Shell Midden of the Jomon Period, the Association organized the Sub-Committee on the Cultural Resource Management and Ad Hoc Committee on the Archaeological Heritage Management to make effort to protect archaeological sites. Yet, the protection of archaeological sites has become increasingly difficult faced with nation-wide development of infrastructure. As a result, the Association reorganized these temporary committees into the standing Committee on the Archaeological Heritage Management to expand the committee's functions. At present, the Association addresses the administrative issues on the archaeological heritage management. For detail, we suggest referring to: White Paper on Archaeological Heritage Management (1970), Second White Paper on Archaeological Heritage Management (1981), Fifty-Year History of Japanese Archaeology (1998), and Third White Paper on Archaeological Heritage Management (2005).

Current Issues of the Archaeological Heritage Management in Japan

     The number of archaeological excavations conducted in a year exceeded 10,000 in 1995, and reached its peak in 1996, with 11,738 excavations. In 1996, 132 billion 128 million yen (approximately 120 million U.S. dollars) was required to cover these excavations, and 6126 full-time employees were engaged in excavations and subsequent laboratory works. After 1996, the number of excavations decreased to 1998, with 6,772 excavations. The number, however, began to increase after 1998, and recently more than 8,000 excavations are conducted every year. The serious problem is symbolized by the fact that 97% of such archaeological excavations are prior to the development and construction works; i.e. "rescue" excavations in nature. For 2002, 8076 excavations were carried out at the expense of 96 billion 576 million yen (approximately 88 million U.S. dollars), and 7075 full-time employees were devoted for excavations and laboratory works (statistics by the National Agency for Cultural Affairs).

     In the process of the increase in the number of excavations and expansion of the scale of excavations, Japanese archaeologists have pointed out numerous problems, including the system of archaeological investigations, technical and scholarly skills of archaeological excavations and laboratory works, and publicizing not only archaeological data but also process of archaeological investigations. The National Agency for Cultural Affairs, officers in charge of archaeological heritage management in local government, and archaeologists belonging to various scholarly societies and organizations have worked hard to improve these problems. Yet, when it comes to the issue of the protection of archaeological sites, numerous difficult problems remain to be solved. In reality, the majority of archaeological excavations are becoming "prior ritual" necessary for development and constructions. Indeed, Japanese archaeologists are confronted with the "new phase" of problem with archaeological heritage management.

     At present, some 370 thousand archaeological sites are known in Japan whose area is 370 thousand square kilometers. Since most of the land is mountainous, spatial distribution of archaeological sites is strongly skewed toward areas suitable for human habitation. In other words, far more than one site exists per square kilometer. This number excludes the existence of potentially numerous, previously unknown sites. Because areas suitable for prehistoric and historic human habitation are also suitable for contemporary human habitation, the most serious issue is that we can not separate the habitation areas of contemporary Japanese people from the location of archaeological sites. Moreover, in Japan the great majority of archaeological sites are buried underground; scholarly excavations are necessary for the interpretation of the nature of the sites. This makes it extremely difficult to take every possible measure to preserve archaeological sites without excavations. It is also apparent that the preservation of all the archaeological sites as a whole significantly limits the social activities of Japanese people at present and in the future.

     Given all these difficulties, it is an extremely important task of Japanese archaeologists and the scholarly field of Japanese archaeology to present and propose the idea and principle as to how to protect and preserve archaeological heritage and how to utilize the heritage for the contemporary and future society. Japanese archaeologists value and appreciate the previous effort by scholars in the pre-World War II era and during the WWII to successfully preserve archaeological sites. Many of these sites are now restored to what would have appeared at the time of human construction and occupation, and serve as the foundation for public recognition of the significance of cultural heritage management. Yet, Japanese archaeologists must confess that we have not gained enough public understanding and support for the necessity of preservation and protection of archaeological heritages. Partially because of this, problems with archaeological heritage management become apparent whenever rescue excavations are conducted. Japanese archaeologists can not ignore a statement that these rescue excavations in fact serve as an "excuse" for the destruction of archaeological sites.

Plea for Cultural Heritage Management

     In the twentieth century, we achieved the ever-lasting technological advance in industry and transportation at the expense of natural and cultural heritages. We were dominated by an optimistic claim that these expenses were paid for by the profit we gained from the industrial and economic progress. In recent years, however, we recognize that large-scale destruction and pollution of nature as a result of large-scale consumption of fossil-fuel, tropical rain forest, and the use of nuclear energy and advance of heavy industry will sooner or later become threats to the earth. Along with natural heritage, cultural heritage is invaluable because cultural heritage has been a witness to our ancestors who saved and utilized nature for their daily life. It is also cultural heritage that gives us a clue to understanding human mind in local regions in different time periods. Therefore, we must recognize the significant value of cultural heritage. In other words, the destruction of natural and cultural heritages would lead to the destruction of human mind, which in the world we must stop. The protection and preservation of natural and cultural heritages have already claimed considerable costs and sacrifice, and the sacrifice has been increasing. We consider it as a globally urgent issue to protect and preserve the natural and cultural heritages. In Japan, we must achieve this goal as soon as possible by reforming the mind of people and the system of the society. We must recognize that the protection and preservation of the natural and cultural heritages in Japan is a part of a global issue. Yet, priorities are given to positively direct economical impact on limited regions or the profit of a few people, and on an either-or-basis, natural and cultural heritages are ignored for the sake of economic and developmental priorities.

Future Effort of the Japanese Archaeologists Association

     Besides Japan, there are no such regions in the world, where large numbers of archaeological excavations of massive scale are being conducted every year. More importantly, 97% of these excavations in Japan are rescue excavations. We praise that the system of and scholarly skills of archaeological investigations in local governments have progressed, and that regional differences in administrative response to archaeological investigations has decreased. Yet, archaeological heritage management in Japan has increasingly become dominated by the aspect of "prior ritual" for the destruction of archaeological sites. Japanese archaeologist must admit that this reality is against the global trend for the protection and preservation of cultural heritages.

     In this sense, we must not avoid issues of archaeologists' responsibility for archaeological heritages and of ethics as professional archaeologists. While Japanese archaeologists do not mean to have avoided these issues, it is true that Japanese archaeologists have not paid enough attention to them and have not fully discussed them. Japanese archaeologists have not fully examined statements, treaties, and recommendations proposed by the UNESCO and other organizations as results of various activities to protect and preserve cultural heritages, nor have they voiced the position of archaeologists to convince the national government and people. The Japanese Archaeologists' Association as the representative of Japanese archaeologists and individual members of the Association must seek for and publicize what kind of ethics they should follow and what kind of responsibility they should bear.