Noteworthy Archaeological Sites, Issue 2014

A ring-shaped group of blocks from 35,000 years ago. Hunting and gathering together, a band made their camp

Akita City, Akita Prefecture

Large-scale buildings and graves appear one after another from within a huge pile of earth

Kazo City, Saitama Prefecture

Arao Minami, Higashi Chōda:
Pottery with incised drawing is recovered from the ditch of a moated-precinct burial

Ōgaki City, Gifu Prefecture

Nomi Tomb Group:
A tomb group continually built across 300 years without interruption

Nomi City, Ishikawa Prefecture

Nishi Sanjōdai:
The residence of an Early Heian period Minister of the Right

Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture

Geba Shūhen:
Kamakura period armor is found near a Hachiman shrine

Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture

Shinagawa Battery:
The base portion of the battery has survived in good condition

Minato Ward, Tokyo Prefecture

The Power of Culture for Reconstruction:
Reconstruction after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Buried Cultural Properties Protection

Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima Prefectures

Niida Fortress Remains:
A Medieval mountain fortress is discovered

Minamisanriku Town, Miyagi Prefecture

The above contents were selected from Hakkutsu sareta Nihon rettō 2014 [Excavations in the Japanese Archipelago, 2014] (Bunkachō [Agency for Cultural Affairs], ed., Asahi Shimbun Publications, 2014)., translated and prepared for presentation on this website by the International Exchange Committee of the Japanese Archaeological Association (Tokyo, Japan). All photos are used with permission of the organizations in charge of the respective excavations.

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